So it’s 2020 and the tune that seems to be ringing out louder than the others these days is fear. Fear of Covid-19, Fear of an election, fear of our safety and security, fear of the future. Fear for our families future. Fear of our finances, fear the economy will crash, fear that we will lose our jobs or homes. Fear that there may not be enough toilet paper….
Regardless of if you are admitting you are afraid or not so many of us are experiencing fear. This fear is causing anxiety and uncertainty and sadness and depression. It is very much guiding the way people are living their day to day lives. And honestly, I empathize with you. I too have been fearful of many of these things if not all of them. I too have worried if my husband would still be able to work during the pandemic, and what would happen if they closed his job down. I know I couldn’t make enough to support the home.
I too have been fearful for my children’s future, what kind of country will America be in a couple of months?? I am writing this from a place of familiarity and empathy. But, I also want to encourage you as I have been encouraged-
But God does not want us to stay in a place of fear.
When my kids are scared from a bad dream they run into the room with me, they say mommy I had a scary dream. I softly rub there back and I hold them and say don’t be afraid. Mommy is here with you now. All of a sudden their sobbing slows down and their breathing calms and they fall back asleep. Not only did I say do not be afraid but there was an action behind the statement. I stayed with them until they were no longer afraid.
In a very similar way God says do not be be afraid, he doesnt say don’t be afraid and then walk away from us. He says do not be afraid for I am with you. He holds us, he comforts us, he wipes our tears away. We don’t have to be afraid because He actively stays with us amidst our fear.
It also says, “Do not be dismayed for I am your God.”
By definition dismay means to be very worried, disappointed, or sad about something surprising or shocking that has happened.
Dismay takes worry and disappointment to a deeper level. Many of us are dismayed right now.
Many of us are worried now more than ever.
This begs the question but who is God that can take away this worry and dismay? Well, He is a God who loves, who gives grace, who is good, who is holy, who is righteous, who is just, “Every good and perfect gift comes from the father of above”. He has the name above all names. He heals the sick, makes the blind see, he loves prostitutes and murderers and sinners, even sin you have never spoken of he can forgive. He created you and He knows you. He knows you will be dismayed but He is your God and He says lean on me, trust me, put your hope in me, I have loved you with an everlasting love. Do not be dismayed.
Then He says how he is going to do this for you. How he will keep you from fear, how he will keep you from worry. He doesn’t say you are going to just have to figure this out on your own. He is not like the mother bird who has to kick the fledglings out of the nest so they learn to either fly or fall. He doesn’t just say go off, I’ve taught you what I can, I’ve said what I can say, now leave the nest on your own. Nope quite the opposite- He says that He will personally, the God of the universe, the God of the sun moon stars planets, the God of the mountains and the valleys, the God of the human body who knit you together in your mother’s womb. He will strengthen you. He will hold you with his righteous, good, loving hands. It’s not your strength that can get you through trials, hurt and dismay… But it is with the strength of God you are going to be able to face these things and he is going to help you overcome them. And not only is he going to help he is going to continue to hold you through it all.
Let’s go back to that picture of a child crying from a startling nightmare for a minute. In many, many ways we all feel we are living in a nightmare. So many people are just counting down to the end of 2020. But if we aren’t asking God to hold us in 2020 and strengthen us now, then 2021 or 2022 or any other time in our life won’t be any better.
So right here, right now begin relying on a righteous God. He is the only one who can help you, he is the only one who can strengthen you, he is the only one who like a parent, can soothe and comfort and wipe away your tears, calm your fears, and put an end to the nightmare you are feeling today.
Ask Him into your heart. Ask him to be your God. Ask him to forgive you. Admit you are tired of trying on your own and that you need His strength. He will hear you. He wants to hold you today.
The Lord bless you and keep you, Kara

Great post!