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Waiting is an Action

December 9, 2020

Often times waiting is a seemingly boring action. I will be the first to admit waiting is not easy for me. It never has been. Mostly because waiting involves patience and patience is always something I seek and try to grow in, but have not mastered. I like when things happen immediately. I like when I can say ‘pick up the toys’ and the kids listen right away. I like when instacart shows up in 30min and not five hours. I like when there is no traffic on the highways. I am not good at waiting. But as I was reading psalm 27 the last verse says,

Wait for the Lord ; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord .
Psalms 27:14

Now I have read this Psalm before but the thing that grabbed my attention was that he said wait for the Lord twice. I know in the Bible repetition often means pay attention. Kind of like when I say my son’s name once but he doesn’t fully hear his name until the second time.

Wait for the Lord. Wait for the Lord.

Ok, Lord I hear you. I’ll just sit here. I’ve been waiting for You, I can wait more. But as I looked closer I realized that wait and waiting are action words. Waiting is actually an active state of being. It’s not like the cobweb sitting in the corner of the room. Sitting there. We might thing the cobweb is waiting to be dusted. But it isn’t, the cobweb is simply in the corner.

Waiting is an action that is applied to an active situation. For example if I am waiting for muffins to bake in the oven- the dough has been mixed, the liners put in the pan, the batter in the liners and the tray in the oven. I then wait for my muffins to be ready. It’s active. The muffins are cooking and rising and turning golden brown and the smell of blueberries is making my mouth water. I am waiting to eat them and waiting for them to bake, but during that wait action is happening. The muffin is rising and cooking, it’s not a stagnant thing.

I think waiting on the Lord is similar. He says wait on the Lord, Be strong and take heart, wait on the Lord. In another passage he says wait in hope for the Lord.

So be strong, take heart, be hopeful. All while waiting for the Lord. Ultimately we are waiting for his second coming. We are waiting to spend eternity with him in paradise. But while we wait what actions are we using for His glory? Are we taking heart. Whatever we do working at it will all our hearts as working for the Lord and not for men?

Are we becoming stronger and guirding ourselves with the full armor of God and gaining strength through His word and His truths? Are we waiting in hope, not despair, not impatience? Are we waiting in the Lord. Actively waiting and letting Him actively work in us as we wait.

I know when the Blueberry muffin is baked and I take a bite it was well worth the wait. So
Instead of being a cobweb in the corner that merely sits there (and in my home, it may sit there forever). ? Let’s actively, prayerfully, while gaining strength, taking heart, and in hope, wait for our Lord. Just like every bite of that muffin is worth it after it was baked and ready to eat. The wait and the journey of waiting in the Lord will be worth it as well as we come to see His purpose and plan for us during the waiting process.

The Lord Bless You and Keep You,




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