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July 28, 2021

How do we find true peace in Jesus? I always thought bedtime with my children was going to be how I saw it in movies, where you just sat there, read a book to your kids, sang a few songs and they would gently close their little eyes as the last song is sung and you tuck their blanket up to their necks.

To be honest I have actually never experienced that type of bedtime in my home. (if you have please message me, I want to know your secret!).

Yes, they go in bed and then they get out of bed about 13 different times asking for water, saying their brother looked at them the wrong way and bringing up questions about the meaning of life.

At the end of the bedtime shenanigans, when they have finally quieted down, I’ve realized it is now two and a half hours after I began the process.  It can be really frustrating. And it’s not at all peaceful.


Finally my children are in bed and I sit on the couch with a snack and try to enjoy the solitude. I have to say, as I was writing this post I looked over and I saw my 6-year-old son cutting a hole in our window screen with a butter knife… peace bahahahaha

Ok back to it!

Anyways so I crave peace among the chaos and I rarely find it. I realized the reason I rarely find it is because I’m looking for it among my own free will, my own get up and go, my own internal resolution. Now there are some people who will say a leisurely walk or breathing techniques can achieve peace and while those do bring temporary calm there is a difference between a calm moment and a true internal peace that can only be felt when you live in the Peace of God. 

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I love this verse. First it says the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. That statement is so true for me.  The fact there are days when you can find peace, even though there is a hole being cut in your window, is proof that it is not you orchestrating the peace in your life.  Some days everything just seems overwhelming and difficult and tense but then in the midst of it. I still have a peaceful heart. It is ONLY because the peace of God, which I cannot possibly understand, guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

God tells me to cast all my cares on him and He will give me peace and rest. I don’t take him up on this offer nearly as often as I should- I probably cast many of my cares on Him but not all of my cares.  Yet he says cast all of my cares on Him because He cares for me.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

How many times do I need this reminder during the day?? So. Many. Times. It is not peaceful hearing my kids yell or breaking up arguments or try to get a fussy baby to sleep. It’s not peaceful correcting my children or picking up floors or listening to the general loudness in the house. But the God of Peace, guards my heart and my mind everyday.

I’ll be honest the days I don’t cast my cares and worries on him, the days I try and just do it myself and get through it, muscle through it, are the days I am the weakest. Those are the days I feel sad, those are the days I am more overwhelmed and stressed. But the days I come before Him, the days I remember He is the God of peace. Those are the days my heart and mind are filled with the peace I DESPERATELY crave.


Peace is not just a quiet home. Quiet can happen, but chaos remains in our minds. Peace is a core internal beat, like the beat of a heart. When our minds are moving in a million directions the beat of peace can play on to calm out minds and keep us steady. Think of your heart beating and sending blood to every area of your body- your brain your organs etc. God’s peace will do the same. it will constantly beat to every part of your body and it will wash over you so that the chaos can be calmed.

So my question is, have you asked God for his peace today? Have you turned to him and asked him to make peace the heartbeat of your life? He shows up every day and he loves you. Turn to him today and ask him for true peace, peace we don’t understand, that only come from God.

The Lord Bless you and Keep you,


1 Comment

  1. Lodina

    So true! Now to do it 24-7.


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