Thus Joseph stored up grain in great abundance like the sand of the sea, until he stopped measuring it, for it was beyond measure. Genesis 41:49
It was easy to read over the story of Joseph pretty quickly as I was making my way through the book of Genesis. As a child I remember learning about Joseph and his vivid dreams, how he was betrayed by his brothers and thrown into a pit, how he interpreted dreams for Pharoah, and spent time in prison for a crime he did not commit. I even remember making a Sunday school project where I decorated a coat of many colors out of a paper bag. But when I was reading a bit more meaning came from the words in the text as I read the above verse.
The entire passage I’ll be referring to can be found in Genesis 41.
In this chapter Pharoah calls Joseph out of prison to interpret and shine light on the dreams he has been having. His dreams were about full stalks of grain being taken over and destroyed by thin sparse grain and skinny cows (nope, not the icecream ?) eating the large well-fed cows. Joseph tells pharaoh that the meaning of his dreams is that there will be seven years of abundance in the land followed by seven years of famine.
In Genesis 41:30 he says that after the seven years of famine the abundance will be forgotten and the famine will ravish the land. Joseph then advises Pharaoh to put someone in charge of the land and put away a fifth of the produce during the abundance in preparation for the famine. Pharoah listens and promptly puts Joseph in charge of this task.
After reading this, the question that came to my mind is: Are you living in a famine?
In the U.S. with a Starbucks and Dunkin on every corner we most likely are not finding ourselves in a food famine. Other countries sadly cannot say the same. However, I’m not referring to a famine from food like in Genesis, but are you in a personal or spiritual famine?
Is your heart dry, cold, desolate? Are you ignoring the faith you once had as a child? Are you wondering if there is a God? Are you depressed, anxious, isolated, sad or angry? Are you finding yourself alone with no one to turn to? A famine can happen if we aren’t prepared and sometimes it happens even when we are prepared.
The past year was a famine for many people and the enemy of our souls wants the famine of 2020 to remain active in our lives. He wants us in a place where we feel like we have no one to turn to, a place where no one seemingly cares about us. He wants us to remain in personal and spiritual isolation. He is hoping that we aren’t prepared for any trial that comes our way.
Many of us were not prepared for the social isolation that came with Covid. The isolation, rules, anxiety and depression have stolen much of our joy, happiness and well being-almost to a point that we have forgotten the time of abundance.
Do we have a way out? I’m here to tell you that yes we do. Joseph told Pharaoh how to prepare for the famine that was going to fall upon Egypt so that when it arrived they would be ready for it. And you can be ready for it too.
What promises and truths do you have stored in your heart?
Are you wearing the full armor of God so you can rise up in the midst of the battle?
Are you praying as the winds and sandstorm of this drought beat against your face?
Are you realizing that the preparation for the famine may have come before today?
Or have you forgotten the years of abundance?
Have you forgotten the promises given to you…. That God will be by your side. He knows when you lie down and when you wake up. He goes before you and behind you like the cloud in the desert and the pillar of fire at night. That you have a savior who sympathizes with your weaknesses. Maybe there is less water-less social interaction, less connections. But, God has given us His great abundance, an abundance that is beyond measure. He is here to not only help us through the storm but to sustain us during the famine.
Like the grain stored up in Egypt was beyond measure so is the goodness of God and He will fulfill your dry mouth and your hunger pangs, your broken heart and your bleak circumstances. He will sustain you and provide for you during this time. Turn to him. Remember His promises. Do not forget the ways in which he has abundantly blessed your life and how he has prepared you for this season.
I have two encouragements: First if you have not considered a need for a savior, I encourage you to ask Jesus into your heart today. Ask Him to save you, hold you and sustain you in His abundance. Salvation is God’s free gift to you.
For God so loved the world that he sent His only son that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. John 3:16
The second encouragement is if you are living in His abundant promises and notice others around you are in a spiritual or personal famine, then I implore you to reach out to them and remind them of who God is and how much He deeply loves them and wants to provide for them and restore them.
Joseph did not just hoard the food for Egypt but the abundant overflow was able to provide food to the surroundings areas. Ultimately this overflow is what brought the restored relationship of Joseph and his brothers as they sought food and forgiveness. He was able to provide them with food so they could live physically and forgiveness so they no longer lived in guilt.
Isn’t that a beautiful picture of exactly what Jesus does for us? He shares his abundant blessing, grace and salvation with us as we turn to him in the midst of our famine. And because of his great love and forgiveness we can now live free of guilt.
Turn to him today in your time of need. And for those who recognize how abundantly blessed you are share that with those around you.
You have been provided for beyond measure so go and share the good news with others so they too can reap the harvest of abundance.
The Lord Bless you and Keep you,